Module 5: Wrapping Up

37. Resources


Architecture Books

Software Design Books

System Design Books

Architecture Courses


[00:03] Alright, friends Before we go, I wanted to share some of my favorite resources so you can continue your architectural learning journey in the future. So first of all, we have books. Books are my favorite type of resource. And when it comes to architecture books, my top recommendations are the Fundamentals of Software Architecture. Book by Mark Richards, Neal Ford and the Head First Software Architecture book by the same authors, plus Raju Gandhi.

[00:29] And these these two books, you only really need to pick one of them because the contents of both books is very similar. The differences in their the teaching methodology that they use. So the fundamentals book is much more serious in a ways. How much more traditional type of book while the head for a serious book, if you’re not familiar with these series from O’Reilly, is much more easy going in what it has a ton of illustrations and diagrams and and jokes. And it’s a bit more repetitive because that’s one of the techniques that they use to make the content stick a bit better.

[01:02] So this will depend on how do you like to learn For me personally, I prefer the Head First book I think that that’s the, my overall recommendation. But of course, choose the one that you like the most, depending on how you like to consume this content. If you’re looking for shorter read the Software Architecture for Developers Book by Simon Brown. It is a really good choice. It’s well, it’s short. It is beginner friendly and it’s practical aimed at developers. And from a practical standpoint. So it’s only available digitally. So it’s not there’s no physical copy of this book. But if you have a Kindle or if you like reading on your computer, that’s a very good choice.

[01:40] And finally, the Design it book, which is the book that we saw earlier when we grabbed the definition of software architecture, is my recommendation for more advanced course contents. This has a lot of really insights into what the day to day operations of an architect are in in a large company and also has a ton of activities that architects can do to discover requirements, to understand problems, to design the architecture, to iterate on your solutions and so on. So this is if you’re looking for more advanced architectural concepts, I highly recommend taking a look at Design it.

[02:15] Then if you’re looking for software design books, A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout, How is my overall recommendation That’s probably one of my favorite technical reads of all time and has you really think about how we build software and how we manage complexity and there are different light, so I highly recommend that one. And if you’re looking for for a more low level design book, The Tidy First? by Kent Beck, it’s also a really good book, is a very short book and is very practical. He has a lot of pseudocode and different patterns that you can use to manage complexity at a lower level and for system designs book Web scalability for start up engineers is a very good introductory book to system design.

[02:56] So this will take you from frontend all the way to backend development. I like to call this book full stack in a box because it teaches you all of the basics that you need to know about how servers works, how databases works, and so on. And for more advanced system design content, the Designing data-intensive applications is one of the classic books of system design. it will teach you how to build reliable, scalable, maintainable data systems. So that’s also a fantastic read, although more advanced.

[03:26] Right, some courses that I can recommend when it comes to architecture. One is the Software Design and Architecture specialization on Coursera. This is an entire specialization and it includes, I think three or four different courses. One of them is on software architecture. As the only one that I took. I didn’t take the other ones, but overall looks are very good specialization and it’s free. You can audit these courses for free on Coursera. Then the Software Architecture Foundation’s course on LinkedIn learning is also very good. I really like that course is a very short course. It’s about an hour and a half and LinkedIn learning is a paid resource.

[04:01] But if you live in the U.S. and maybe Canada as well, I’m not entirely sure. And if you have a library card, you can get access to linear learning there until every for free. And then finally, Frontend Masters has a ton of really interesting courses on really any topic, but the ones that I like the most that are related to architecture are the Enterprise architecture patterns course, which is a bit lower level that what I consider to be architecture. So it’s more about software design, but it’s very good for learning design patterns that can help you manage complexity in your code.

[04:32] The introduction to backend architectures course is also it’s a newer course and I haven’t watched the entirety of the course, but for what I’ve seen it’s really good. The content is really good and it’s a good companion for this course. If you’re looking for a companion course to this one, which was about frontend architecture, that one is a really good choice. And finally the Enterprise UI development course, which is mostly about testing, but it’s, it also it helps you look at the UI development from an architectural standpoint. So I highly recommend that one as well.

[05:02] And my number one recommendation, which if you had to choose just one thing and just forget about everything that I said up to this point is to subscribe or continue to subscribe to the Frontend at Scale newsletter So every two weeks I write a newsletter which is about software design and architecture from a frontend perspective. And I also share some of my favorite books and talks and articles and podcasts about software design and architecture. You’ll find links to all of the things that we talked about in the description below, and I’ll see you in the next video.