Module 5: Wrapping Up

38. Goodbye...?

We did it! We reached the end of the course. Thank you so much for watching and staying with me till the end.

Two-Question Survey

As I mentioned in the video, I’d love your help figuring out what to do next. If you have a few minutes, I’d super appreciate if you could fill out this 2-question survey and let me know your thoughts.

Thank you so much in advance, and I hope to continue seeing you around in the Frontend at Scale community ✨


[00:03] We did it. We reached the end of the course. Thank you so much for watching and staying with me till the end. I really hope that you enjoy the course. I really hope that you learn some new things that you can use in your your projects to build a more robust and more scalable frontend applications in the future.

[00:19] I have two things to say before we go. The first one is that there is a very short survey in the description that this video is very short. John has two questions, and one of them is about helping me decide where should I go next. So one of the directions that we will take is to cover more advanced architectural concepts. So this will be similar to this course in terms of the level of detail that we’re going to cover. So it will be at a high level, but it will cover some tools and techniques and activities that will help you handle larger projects over larger teams.

[00:51] The second option is to go deeper into the implementation layer instead, So it will be more about software design and about how we can handle complexity at a code level. And finally, the third option is to do a sort of like a full stack architectural course where we’ll take our learnings from the frontend layer that we learn in this video and we apply them all the way to the backend as well. So we will go through, we’ll learn about how do we handle the data layer, the backend layer, server CI pipelines, orchestration, maybe we’ll talk about event driven architectures. We might even see what Kubernetes actually is in detail. So that’s also one of the options that we could take.

[01:29] And the last thing I want to say is that if you enjoy the contents of the course, I will super appreciate it and it will mean the world to me. If you can share it with your friends, your coworkers, with your social networks, with any forums or Discords you might be in, or really anyone who you think might be interested in this content. I put a lot of effort into creating this course and I will really like for it to reach as many people as possible.

[01:53] When I sat down to create this course, I had a very ambitious goal of creating the best resource for learning about frontend architecture online. And I don’t know if I even came close to reaching that goal, but I can promise you that I tried my best. So thank you again for watching. Thank you. Again, if you decide to share it with your networks and I hope to continue seeing you around in the Frontend at Scale community.