Module 2: Understanding

07. Before We Start



[00:03] Alright friends, before we get started. There is one quick but very important thing that I wanted to cover. So the way that the course is set up, the rest of the modules are set up is that we’re first going to do the understanding phase. This is the module that you are watching right now. And then we do the design phase, and then finally we do the implementation, which is when we actually grab the architecture and implement that into code.

[00:27] And this may lead you to believe that the way that we’re going to work through these phases on a real project is sequentially that first we’re going to do all of the understanding, then all of the design and then all of the implementation. But that’s not how things work in a real project. This will be the waterfall approach. This will be an approach that doesn’t let us incorporate the learnings during implementation back into the design because requirements change and features change as we are implementing them. So in doing these big upfront designs, it just doesn’t work, is very inefficient.

[01:02] Instead, we’re going to look at this is we’re going to do we’re going to work in iterations and on each iteration we’re going to do some of the understanding, some of the design and some of the implementation. And then we’re going to maybe ship something, but we’re going to repeat the process until we release the product and beyond. As long as we’re maintaining the product, we’re going to do all of these three phases on iterations.

[01:24] So as you go through the rest of the modules of the course, don’t think of them as like a recipe that you have to follow step by step and in a particular order. This is more like tools, like putting tools in a toolbox where you can choose the tool that is right for the job. Whenever a new problem comes up. So without out of the way as get started.