Module 1: Foundations

01. Introduction

Hey friends, welcome to the Fundamentals of Frontend Architecture course. My name is Maxi Ferreira and I am so excited to welcome you to this course, which will teach you everything you need to know to build robust, scalable, and just beautiful frontend applications using the principles of software architecture.

Why I created this course?

As you may have noticed, there aren’t a lot of resources out there to learn about software architecture from a frontend perspective. My humble goal for this course is to offer a comprehensive and organized resource from where to learn about the field.

Who is this course for?

  1. This is a fundamentals course meant for people getting started in the field. If you are a seasoned architect, you might find it a little bit basic.

  2. This is a frontend architecture course, so we won’t be talking about microservices or systems design, or other topics related to the backend. Instead, in order to keep it accessible for frontend developers of all kinds, we will focus on the frontend layer.

  3. Since this is an architectural course, we won’t focus too much on code. You can expect to see some code towards the end of the course when we translate the architecture into code, but for the most part we’ll keep things at a high level.

  4. To keep this course short and dynamic, we won’t go deep into the theory and instead focus on how you can actually put the concepts into practice.

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[00:03] Hey friends, welcome to the Fundamentals of Frontend Architecture course.

[00:07] My name is Maxi Ferreira and I am so excited to welcome you to this course, which will teach you everything you need to know.

[00:14] Well, maybe not everything, but a lot of things you need to know to build robust and scalable and just beautiful frontend applications using the principles of software architecture.

[00:24] Now, you might be wondering, what does that even mean? Like, what are you talking about, Maxi?

[00:30] That’s a very good question. You might have noticed that there aren’t a lot of resources out there that talk about software architecture from a frontend perspective.

[00:36] So, figuring out what to teach in this course and what this course was going to be about was pretty much half the challenge.

[00:43] But that’s also the reason why I’m so excited to share this course with you all, because I always wanted to have a comprehensive and organized resource to learn about frontend architecture.

[00:54] And this course is my my humble attempt at doing that.

[00:59] So we’re going to talk about the actual contents of the course in the next video.

[01:06] But for now, I want to just go over a few things just to set the right set of expectations for the course.

[01:12] The first one is that this is a fundamentals course and what this means is that if you’re already a seasoned architect or if you have a lot of experience with architecture, then you might find the contents of the course a bit basic.

[01:20] But if you’re just getting started, if you only have a general understanding of what architecture is, then this is the right course for you.

[01:28] So stay tuned.

[01:29] Number two is that this is a frontend architecture course. So we’re not going to talk about microservices or system design or, you know, whatever Kubernetes is.

[01:41] I know a lot of you are Fullstack developers and you might be eager to dive into the backend layer, but for this course, I wanted to keep things as accessible as possible for frontend developers of all kinds.

[01:47] So I want to keep things closer to the frontend layer instead.

[01:55] Step number three is that this is an architectural course, which I know that sounds obvious, but what that means is that this is not a coding course.

[02:03] We’re going to see some code toward the end of the course when we talk about implementation and how we can translate the architecture into code.

[02:11] But for the most part, we want to keep things at a high level.

[02:16] And finally, this course is meant to be sort of short and dynamic.

[02:19] So we’re going to go pretty lean on the theory side of things, and we’re going to focus more on how you can actually put all of these concepts into practice.

[02:27] If you want to dive deeper into any of the topics we’re going to be covering here, I’m going to be sharing resources throughout the course.

[02:34] But there’s also going to be a video at the end of the course, where I’m going to share my favorite books, and articles, and talks about software architecture.

[02:42] For those of you who want to just dive deeper and learn new activities and new techniques that you can apply on your own projects.

[02:50] So with that out of the way, we’re going to end the intro right here and I’ll see you in the next video where we’ll talk about the actual contents of the course.