Module 3: Designing

17. Module Introduction


[00:03] Welcome to the design module of the course where we’re finally going to start putting together the architecture of FullSnack. So far, all of the concepts that we’ve seen are very high level, which means that we can use them to build backend applications, frontend applications, data applications. But now we’re going to focus more on the frontend layer. So we’re going to see a lot of design or software design concepts from a frontend perspective.

[00:28] So in this module we’re going to talk about domain modeling. We’re going to see a few diagrams which we can use to represent visually the design of our architecture, and we’re going to start breaking down the application into smaller chunks or smaller modules. By the end of this module we’ll have a design document that will sort of give us a high level plan of how we can start the implementation.

[00:52] And more importantly, you will add a bunch of new tools to your software designer’s toolkit so you can reach out for them whenever you need them. Remember that design is not something that we do once at the beginning of the project in one large effort, and then we just forget about it. It’s something that we do constantly over time and in iterations.

[01:13] So the tools and techniques that we’re going to cover in this module will help you whether you are starting a new project from scratch or if you’re adding a new feature to an existing project. So with the introductions out of the way, let’s get started.